Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is a celebration about Jesus Christ!

Its easy to get caught up in the flashing lights and bling of Christmas but I encourage you all to spend some times thinking about our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the reason for the season and even though the world might have lost its focus at Christmas it doesn't mean we have to!

We are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in honor of him we are giving gifts to the ones we love.  The Gifts we give show our loved ones that we appreciate them. The Christmas season is about giving and not getting.  After Christmas we often hear people ask "what did you get for Christmas?".  Instead of asking that we should ask "what did you GIVE for Christmas?"

For many years I remember our family prayerfully choosing a family we wanted to serve at Christmas and we would leave them anonymous gifts at their doorstep for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. We would leave a piece of a nativity set and then a silly gift that would go along with the 12 Days of Christmas song.  We would try our best to do it early in the morning and not get caught.  I learned a valuable lesson as a child that giving was more important than getting.

Make this Christmas about Christ and think about what gifts you can give to him this year! I love this Video, it shows the true meaning of Christmas! Just focus on Christ!!



  1. Merry Christmas!!! We went and saw the Nativity last night and it reminded me of when you and I were in it together one year. What fun! Adelade stayed awake during the whole thing. As I watched it I felt the spirit, it was such a nice warm comforting feeling to know that Christ was born and this is what we are celebrating at Christmas. I love being able to teach Adelade that.
    Love you and Miss you as always!

  2. The most important thing we celebrate at Christmas often gets over looked, Good for you for focusing on it. The Nativity Pagent is an amazing thing that truly does help us to find the true spirit of Christmas. I love that you said you felt the Spirit, that's such an amazing thing that testifies of truth to our hearts! I love it and I love you!
